Monthly Archives: September 2014

STM on Hold

So I had meant to write a bunch more on software transactional memory in the coming months, and I still plan to, but I’m going to be putting those plans on hold for a bit. After giving a talk on our usage of STM in a real application at CppCon I’ve been asked to write […]

Too Little, Too Late?

CppCon is done and I had a great time, an exhausting time, but great nonetheless. I gave my talk on STM in both lightning format and as a more relaxed open content session. In the open content session I was able to take questions from the audience (the lightning format didn’t afford me that luxury) […]

STM, For Reals

In an earlier post post I mentioned software transactional memory (STM) as an alternative to using locks that maintains one’s ability to compose solutions to problems. That’s all well and good, but does anyone actually use it other than as a research toy? The answer to that question is yes: the team that I work […]

CppCon Bound

Even though they turned down my talk submission, I’m still going to CppCon next week. I’ve submitted an idea for a lightning talk but won’t find out until Monday evening if it was selected or not. If selected the talk will be titled “Software Transactional Memory, For Reals”, so if you’re a particularly good heckler […]